Wednesday, May 17, 2006

QBQ, part 1

One of my favorite authors, Dave Ramsey, hosts a radio show primarily about personal finance, but it transcends a single topic and is more about winning at life. In the course of Dave’s life, he has been blessed enough to have figured it out and is all about sharing the knowledge.

Yesterday, Dave had John G. Miller, author of QBQ: The Question Behind the Question, as an in studio guest. After listening about Miller’s books, I promptly went to the local library and checked it out. After reading about half of it last night, I can already tell that it will be one I will add to my collection. The premise of the book is eliminating blame, complaining and procrastination- all of which I have chosen to inflict on myself.

I am going to, over the next few days, give a brief synopsis of the book and what I have gleaned from it. This is life changing information if only we choose to listen and apply. Stay tuned...this is great stuff.


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