Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Mastery?...Shoot! I'd Settle With A Little Progress

I have a desire to live my life intentionally. I want my life to mean something. I am finding however that my life slips away and my intentions never realized. I am a wonderful planner, but I am a lousy executer. I believe my problem is a lack of discipline.

I recently was reading about David and Solomon in a book by Max Lucado (I will detail later). David always intended to build the temple, but it was Solomon who did so. Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes (7:8a) that finishing is better than starting.

Let’s go back to David for a moment. He intended. He planned. He got distracted. He made a few mistakes. He wasn’t the model of self-control and God did not let him build the temple. God still loved him, but God didn’t allow him to finish his plans.

God plans things and wants us to plan but often what we plan is not the same as what He plans or we trip ourselves up with a lack of restraint and we get distracted.

I think this has been my real problem so far this year. I’ve slipped up, flipped out and cracked so many times that I have gotten distracted. It seems there is so much that I am trying to do…that I am intending, but I never seem to accomplish anything and the frustration just add fuel to the fire. I just hope that God hasn’t decided to keep me from finishing.

I need to refocus on aligning my plans with His plan for me and to be truthful, the Enemy has enticed me to question God’s plan for me. At times, I feel a little lost, but I am confident that God will realign me. My lack luster performance on all fronts has been because I have been trying to do everything alone and even at my best, I have no self-control. If you have been around puppetminister.com very long, you will see it’s a common theme in my life.

Pray for me and all the others who I know are struggling with this. It seems to me that if David struggled with it and I am struggling with it, there must be more.

One last thought, I think Solomon sums up what I want the real goal of my life to be; “Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honor.” (Proverbs 21:21)

God Bless You. Thanks.


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