Thursday, January 04, 2007

Resolutions? No. Goals? Yes

The beginning of a new year always brings talk of resolutions—those self-promises that are lightly chosen and lightly discarded—Loose Commitments, if you will. I am not one for resolutions. January 1 is just another day. I am one however for taking this opportunity to set 12 month goals.

So you may be asking, what is the difference. A goal is specifically defined, measurable, realistic, limited by time and most importantly WRITTEN DOWN. There is something psychological and emotional about putting a goal down in writing. When you take the time to go through the exercise to get it on paper, you commit deep down in your soul to succeed.

I think you should hand write any and all goals you have whether they are goals for 2007, 5 year goals or even 20 year goals. I believe you should read and re-read these goals to stay motivated. I believe you should routinely evaluate these goals to see if you need to alter your approach.

With this in mind, I have defined the following goals:
I will be debt free (everything but the house) by August 31, 2007.
I will read 12 non-fiction books by December 31, 2007.

I have short term fitness goals defined on my other blog.

Your goals can be physical, emotional, financial, spiritual, relationship or career oriented. Just write them down.


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