Monday, February 05, 2007

I Saw Dave!

I’m a few days late in posting this, but I had the opportunity to see Dave Ramsey live at a Total Money Makeover LIVE! event in Louisville last Thursday. I am a graduate of FPU, a 13-week course that Dave teaches via video where he teaches you how to make your money behave by learning how to spend, save and give, but nothing is like hearing him live.

Dave has changed my way of thinking and my way of handling money. You can listen to his nationally syndicated radio show live from 2pm-5pm est (on-line or your local station) or listen to the archives on his site.

Dave is a great example of someone who has found his purpose and enjoys what he does.He lived like no one else and now he lives like no one else.

Yeah, I know this might be an over blown Dave Ramsey commercial, but I really believe he is helping people get to a place where they can become financially free and can impact others.


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